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Call for Papers National Seminar On the Life, Works & Achievements of Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei

Call for Papers
National Seminar
On the Life, Works & Achievements of Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei
{February 2-3, 2019, Aiwan-e-Ghalib, New Delhi}
 Deadline for the Submission of the Abstract of the papers:
30 November 2018.
Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Hind in collaboration with Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi and Welayat Foundation, New Delhi is conducting the ‘National Seminar’ on the Life, Works & Achievements of Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei which will be held on February 2-3, 2019 at Aiwan-e-Ghalib, New Delhi.
The organizers of the two days National Seminar on the life, works and achievements of   Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei invites papers for the National Seminar.
The aim of the National Seminar is to provide a platform to academics and research scholars to discuss, reflect and disseminate researches on various topics related to the dynamic personality of Ayatullah Syed Ali Khamenei.  
We are inviting papers on one of the following themes of the National Seminar:
 Section One:
The Life of Ayatullah Khamenei
--- The role of Ayatullah Khamenei in the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran
---- The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding Imam Khomeini
---- The scientific, political, cultural and social personality of Ayatullah Khamenei
----- The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the Islamic Revolution in Iran
--- The role of Ayatullah Khamenei during the eight years long imposed war on the Islamic Republic of Iran
--- The role of Ayatullah Khamenei as the Leader (Wali-e-Faqih) of the Islamic Republic of Iran
--- Ayatullah Khamenei as the prominent Marja and jurisprudent
--- The views of perseverance and resistance of Ayatullah Khamenei in the political, cultural, social and economic issues
Section Two:
The Works of Ayatullah Khamenei
--- The works of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the Infallible Imams (A.S.)
--- The works of Ayatullah Khamenei in the field of Islamic history, Welayat-e-Faqih and Islamic Revolution in Iran
--- The works of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding different issues of the Islamic World
--- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei about politics
--- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei about social justice
--- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei about philosophy, knowledge and reasoning
---- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei about the youth
--- The Way of Living in the views of Ayatullah Khamenei
Section Three:
Ayatullah Khamenei, the Herald of Unity & Perseverance
--- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the unity among the Muslims and the oppressed people in the world
--- The views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the unity among the Muslims and the oppressed people in the world
Section Four:
Ayatullah Khamenei, the Architect of the Islamic Republic of Iran
--- The role of Ayatullah Khamenei in the scientific, economic and cultural progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran
--- The role of Ayatullah Khamenei in encouraging the innovative and genius youth
Section Five:
The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding World Issues
---- Ayatullah Khamenei and the issue of Palestine
---- Ayatullah Khamenei and the Islamic Awakening
--- Liberty and independence in the views of Ayatullah Khamenei
--- Education and training in the views of Ayatullah Khamenei
--- Culture in the views of Ayatullah Khamenei
Section Six:
The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the historical Event of Ashura and its lessons
Section Seven:
The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the Rights and Dignity of Woman and Family
Section Eight:
Ayatullah Khamenei and the World Imperialism
--- The resistance of Ayatullah Khamenei against the World Imperialism
--- USA in the views of Ayatullah Khamenei
Section Nine:
The Views of Ayatullah Khamenei regarding the Economic Issues
Section Ten:
The Dissemination of Spiritualism and Islamic Values by Ayatullah Khamenei
Section Eleven:
India and Ayatullah Khamenei
Section Twelve:
Human Rights in the Views of Ayatullah Khamenei
Note: Scholars can also write articles on the theme of the National Seminar which are not even mentioned in the above twelve sections.
Basic Submission Rules
Languages: Articles can be submitted in English, Urdu & Hindi.
Abstract: no more than 300 words
Key words: no more than 6 words
Full Paper: 2500-4000 words (typed in MS Word-compatible file in both Word and PDF formats)
Font: 14 point 
Deadline for the Submission of the Abstract of the papers: 30 November 2018.
Scholars sending the abstracts of their papers are kindly requested to provide their contact information like postal address, email ID and telephone numbers.
Abstracts can be sent
Website of the Organizing Committee of the National Seminar on the Life, Works & Achievements of Ayatullah Syed Ali
The Evaluation Committee will evaluate the received abstract of the papers and the authors will be notified by 5 December 2018 whether their abstract has been accepted.
Deadline (Papers):Authors whose abstracts have been accepted by the Evaluation Committee of the seminar will be required to submit their full papers by 10 January 2019.
Authors whom the papers have been accepted and who will be invited to present their paper in the seminar will be provided the boarding, lodging and local transport during the two days seminar period.
Travel allowance will be provided to them according the prevailing norms of the Government of India.
Three Thousand Rupees honorarium will be provided to the scholars whose papers are accepted by the Evaluation Committee of the seminar.
All the accepted papers of the seminar whose soft and hard copies are submitted to the organizing committee of the seminar by the authors will published in form of books in English and Urdu languages bearing the International Standard Book Number (ISBN).
Organizing Committee of the National Seminar
Majlis-e-Ulama-e-Hind, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi & Welayat Foundation, New Delhi
Phone No: 011-22504495 / 09936066598


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